
Showing posts from August, 2022

When you hear the word "creativity," what comes to mind? How would you describe creativity?

Creativity, to me, can be spontaneous, or carefully thought out.  There are moments where I am getting ready for bed, and the greatest idea will appear in my head. Other times, I am constantly putting in the effort, wringing the creativity towel dry as a desert until I get the A-ha! I also believe that creativity exists in different aspects of our lives. Creativity exists in driving to school, cleaning and organizing, etc. Creativity, if I were to describe it, is any way that our brains process purposeful thoughts. It is hard to explain, but most of our thoughts lead us to a destination -- eating a tasty meal, creating a composition, reading a book. I think anytime our brains are working to achieve these goals, creativity is in the mix. I think it is interesting, however, that when our brains are on autopilot, random flashes of creativity flare up. I believe every person on this earth has creativity within themselves, whether they know it or not.