When you hear the word "creativity," what comes to mind? How would you describe creativity?

Creativity, to me, can be spontaneous, or carefully thought out.  There are moments where I am getting ready for bed, and the greatest idea will appear in my head. Other times, I am constantly putting in the effort, wringing the creativity towel dry as a desert until I get the A-ha! I also believe that creativity exists in different aspects of our lives. Creativity exists in driving to school, cleaning and organizing, etc. Creativity, if I were to describe it, is any way that our brains process purposeful thoughts. It is hard to explain, but most of our thoughts lead us to a destination -- eating a tasty meal, creating a composition, reading a book. I think anytime our brains are working to achieve these goals, creativity is in the mix. I think it is interesting, however, that when our brains are on autopilot, random flashes of creativity flare up. I believe every person on this earth has creativity within themselves, whether they know it or not. 


  1. I believe that finding a quiet place and a set time to connect with one's inner genie and produce works that are both life-changing and soul-satisfying is all it takes to be creative. Learning the rules and twisting them to your advantage is creativity.


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