The Fear of Failure

 One thing I constantly struggle with is the fear of failure. In my particular case, failure would be graduating and not being able to get a job. In the same way, if I dropped out to focus on my particular interest, I could still fail to get a job and be left off in a tricky situation. I find that these thoughts of the future are very limiting to me, and while they are important to think about, I focus on them too much. It's hard to remind myself to focus on the present, and cross bridges as I get to them. One thing that stood out to me in this class was the discussion surrounding the topic of failure. What would I do if I couldn't fail? This idea really inspired me, and made me realize that failure is not constrained to my limited perspective of it. In many ways, "failing" can be considered a success. 


  1. I believe that we have a higher chance of overcoming self-doubt if we can recognize the root problems that underlie our fear of failing and work to resolve them as opposed to running away from them and It's so important to have control over our thoughts.


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