INDEX AWARD WINNER review is the link the the LUNARK project.

This project was created to solve the housing problem on our moon and mars. It folds into the size of a bike, and is made from solar panels. This makes it portable, and self reliant. They said that they took inspiration from origami, and I think that's fascinating! It almost looks like the original lunar landing module in a sense. They have tested it in Greenland, and continue to gather data for improvements. 

As someone who is fascinated with space, I thought this project would be great to go on my blog. I think it shows a great example of divergent thinking, because this design is far from ordinary. I can't imagine the amount of effort, trial and error, and cooperation that went into this project.


  1. I think that this project is very interesting as well. I like that they took inspiration from origami and used it to create something that could solve a crisis. I am very interested in space exploration and think that this is a good idea. I am looking forward to when mankind really pushes living on the moon and other planets to see where this goes. It seems like their design is very efficient and could be a real-world solution. I am curious to see what kinds of test they are doing on it in Greenland and what they learn from the data. When they ask for volunteers to go live on the moon or mars, I will surely be a volunteer.


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