Roadblocks in my creativity

While creativity is all around me, and I have many, many artistic thoughts during my regular life,  the typical roadblocks to my creativity comes from my mental health, or my attempt to create. If I am having difficulty in relationships, or am stressed out in some other way, I find it very hard to maintain a creative flame. Taking my mind off of random thoughts, whatever comes to mind, creative or not, and placing the focus on a stressful or anxious situation always hinders me. This, unfortunately, is unavoidable in life, and learning how to manage and cope with these situations will be definitive for me in my journey to creativity. As I brought up, I always run into roadblocks during my actual creation process, whether its and edit, an animation, etc. I think this happens because I have a fear of failure, rejection, not being good enough, and more. It also feels like I'm in a battle with myself to be creative when I would rather not. This feeling is difficult, because if I want to monetize this skill, I need to be able to work through that feeling. I think this feeling can be corrected and slowly eased over time, but it will definitely take a lot of work. 

Overall, I think some of the biggest "fixes" for these roadblocks would be living a healthy lifestyle. This includes proper sleep, nutrition, exercise, and self-improvement. Not only that, focusing on mental health and improving myself in the head will definitely help me manage these hindrances. And, all of these "fixes" are very good for me as a person, so it will only do good things for me while I try to employ them.
