Breathe in, Breath out

 I spend a lot of my time consuming YouTube content. In particular, I follow a lot of creative people in the world of animation and illustration, but also just channels that interest me (things like science, astronomy, funny content, stories, true crime). I stumbled across an interview with Jeremy Vickery hosted by Kelsey Rodriguez. Jeremy is one of the top professionals in the film industry when it comes to animation, color, and currently, augmented reality. During this interview, he mentioned the idea of breathing, and while he didn't spend minutes and minutes describing this idea, he felt that it was important enough to mention multiple times. 

"Breath in, Breath out." If I recall correctly, his idea of breathing was about taking time to absorb material, and then taking time to translate into skills or something else. An example would be learning how to draw the torso in anatomy. If one constantly practices anatomy without proper reference and study habits, they may not get the best results. If one constantly researches anatomy without adequate practice, they may not get the best results either. 

There are times to eagerly learn, and there are times to eagerly practice. Striking the right balance between breathing in and out can not only increase our creativity through balance and mindfulness, but also can bring us peace of mind and perspective. 
