Sometimes the inner voice is encouraging . . .

 I'm going to talk about a song created by Porter Robinson for this post. There's something about him that really inspires me in regard to creativity, and I hope you all can take inspiration from him as well. 

In his song "Mirror" released late 2020 (now a part of his album Nurture, Porter discusses the idea of shame and how our mental dialect is critical to not only our mental health, but pursuing our dreams and goals, our creative ideas, and everything those entail. In an interview, Porter discussed how twitter used to be a big part of his shameful mindset -- how he always started to think about himself like his biggest hater. Anything he thought of would be met with a very negative, twisted perspective that he could see someone else saying. Obviously, no one was telling these things to him, and he was damaging his creativity by existing with this mindset. In the end of his song "Mirror," we can see his revelation of this destructive thought process, and how he was able to change his perspective on his "inner voice." To me, this is very inspiring, as I am always my harshest critique. Seeing someone I look up to going through the same emotions and mindsets that I have always struggled with, whilst simultaneously overcoming them and verbalizing them into his music, gives me hope and strength to alter my own perspectives in a similar, and healthy way.  

In "Mirror", the final verse of the song is as follows:

"Sometimes, the inner voice is encouraging

Calling for you to run those final few yards

You're nearly there

Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going

It will all be OK in the end" (link to the song)
